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Runewriters Chapter 1
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Chapter books of Runewriters are here at last!
Runewriters is a comic about a deaf girl trying to help her shapechanger friend fix an embarrassing magical mistake. This 60-page book includes the full-colour first chapter, in which Severian makes an incredibly stupid mistake, as well as several extra pages of concept art, sketches, development work and a bit of commentary from me on the process! A PRETTY SWEET DEAL.
For a bit extra, I'll sign it and include an original sketch card, too! Just select the "+ sketch card" option in the drop down menu, and tell me which RW character you'd most like in the text box!
Click the images for more photos!

Runewriters is a comic about a deaf girl trying to help her shapechanger friend fix an embarrassing magical mistake. This 60-page book includes the full-colour first chapter, in which Severian makes an incredibly stupid mistake, as well as several extra pages of concept art, sketches, development work and a bit of commentary from me on the process! A PRETTY SWEET DEAL.
For a bit extra, I'll sign it and include an original sketch card, too! Just select the "+ sketch card" option in the drop down menu, and tell me which RW character you'd most like in the text box!
Click the images for more photos!